Wednesday, 25 January 2017

What do we want ?

Justice !

When do we want it ?

so here i am providing some draw for you.

Here is two cat and one crux from above is the whole system is like all are know the monkey who give justice is not sound mind..people are not bleming to judgment but they knew how system were worked for common man in whole world except some country in the world.

So everyone want justice in many way i.e. most of people wants justice from GOD..others are from that people who were harm past to me ,to yo ,to us.
Most likely important topic is Justice from god Many bleming questions for god..common questions is,why god doing this things for me...the answer of this questions is the questions.

How.,let's know..simple word is your 'karma'
Karma means what do you have done past will be your future. So keep doing good in life...

So the god will give you justice in near future if you want to see with good work..keep doing good and good not to choose the way what you want mostly ..i.e.justice in my hand..I can do it ...this right in your ethics but universely wrong 
So how wrong the answer is in every holy book God is not giving the way harm someone when someone harm you...

So the whole discussion only speak..choose right way in every time is good way to drive your life.

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