Thursday, 1 September 2016

Salute ! for The Indian Farmer.


The most of Indian income come from Agriculture product .Major part of income of GDP come from Agriculture product in India. More farming is important for more India's growth.

Painting Prepared on 2016
FEW THINGS I WANT SHARE...about farming

Indian farmer are very poor in terms of resources they have manpower but lack of knowhow( for farming) which can be used for perfect products required.


1. Inadequate facilities
By and large the irrigation facilities available in India are far from adequate. So for half of the total area under food crops has been brought under irrigation .
2.soil problem
Indian soils have been used for growing crops for thousands of years which have resulted in the depletion of soil fertility. With deforestation the sources of maintaining natural fertility of soil has been drying out. Lack of material resources . grains shortage:
Storage of food grains is a big problem. Nearly 10 per cent of our harvest goes waste every year in the absence of proper storage facilities. This colossal wastage can be avoided by developing scientific ware-housing facilities. The government has taken several steps to provide storage facilities.

4. Pressure from population:
 According to 2001 census figures the over all density of population is 324 persons per sq. km. This is likely to increase further in future. This has created great demand for land. Every bit of land has been brought under the plough. Even the hill slopes have been cut into terraces for cultivation.
5. Farm Implements:
Although some mechanisation of farming has taken place in some parts of the country, most of the farmers are poor and do not have enough resources to purchase modern farm implements and tools. This hampers the development of agriculture.
6.  Fragmented Land Holdings:
 The holdings are small and fragmented. The small size of holdings makes farming activity uneconomical and leads to social tension, violence and discontentment.

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