Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Way for life back for life

Right way for right people

Every people have many way to live life.
Heading of this painting is devide two perspective..
1.way for life
2.back for life

1.way for life

every people have mainly two way to choose way for life
There are right way or wrong way...what you prefer its depend on you..
Mostly people prefer the way which leads to quick success in terms of money or else.

Painting created on 4-9-2016 within a 20 minutes..

To choose ethical way is important in every aspect of life i.e. in terms of business ,job,or any other work .when you passionate your work with right way i.e. is ethical way you will be successful.. But ethical way is long run normally as compare to shortcut way i.e. wrong way...this way gives you success very long run but you can not survive in long run.

2.back for life

When you come back with .means you choose the right way than many people are with you ...there are bad or good..its means bad people also can give you good idea with bad way..its depend on person what to absorb or what don't absorb in life.so people are thinking what to choose.to choose good people in life also matter for long run. In this you can also get success shorterm with bad idea..i.e. Unethical way..every people perception are different about ethics what is right on their way its depending on their cod of conduct or morality.

In every day of life we deal with ethics our ethics ,code of conduct,our moral..so it required to understand what we are .who I am? 
So be ready with your next right way with good ethics.
When you see the painting than firstly see the normally...then rotate photo with 90 degree than you understand second half of heading.

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