Saturday, 26 November 2016


what is dream?

what is catch?

To get somthing in life is not an easy task , lots of effort are requires for doing some special in life which will become inspiration for other people.
so question is that How can I do this?.
created on 26-11-2016
Answer of above question is first of all see your soul ,feel your soul ,what your soul say when your says that you are doing right thing in your life i.e. see your inner heart ,what you want to be? Is there easy to do things which I want? No this is not easy
so when you are persistent with your dream then you can go further thinking ,Dream can be catch up when you really want that things.  It can not be done in one day ,or 1 month it can take time its depends on your dream so what you feel day by day its matter .when you thinking about every second about your dream then automatically you can get idea about for . so catch your dream is not to think about to do then after going to that dream , It is a process of your life ,your behave ,you ethics ,your value,your way i.e. to find something by scientist is dream of invention ,they give it their whole life to their dream. so putting whole life to in your dream is catching your dream.

what you want from your life its matter a lot for doing any work ,to speak with someone.

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